The movie begins with Azeroth whose realm is so peaceful and is filled with tranquility and harmony. But his realm comes into danger when the mysterious and evil force that is fel magic destroys and tears the world of Orcs. In order to save themselves they form a clan and move out to colonize another place. They move to the realm of Azeroth. In order to sustain the Orcs use fel magic. The terrific and fearsome race of the intruder for the realm of Azeroth begins. The two armies are formed. One of the Orcs and the other of Azeroth's.
Orc is fighting to find a new home world for him, his family and his people while Azeroth is standing against Orc to save is world and his people. The war of the two epic heroes and their collision shows different faces of war, sacrifice and invasion. This war is the decision maker of their fate.
Orc is fighting to find a new home world for him, his family and his people while Azeroth is standing against Orc to save is world and his people. The war of the two epic heroes and their collision shows different faces of war, sacrifice and invasion. This war is the decision maker of their fate.